How to add a navigation menu

Add a navigation menu into header section:
  • Put header section in "Edit" mode (button with "Pencil" icon)
  • Click on the section Add icon ("+")
  • Choose "Navigation Menu"
Customize navigation "Brand":
  • The "Brand item" is the left most item in the menu. You can also optionally choose to add a logo image as your navigation brand icon.
  • Right click on "Brand" and choose "Edit"
  • Update label to website title
  • Update link to "index.html"
Update links so all pages are linked to the menu:
  • Right click on each navigation menu item
  • Update item label and item link
  • Delete any extra menu items we do not need
For this example, we want to change the background color from solid white to semi-transparent.
Update navigation menu color and hover selection color:
  • Menu Settings > Background Color
  • Drag on transparency slider
  • Update Hover background color

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