How to use shared header and footer sections

How to add a shared website header and footer
If you have multiple pages in a website, you will find it’s easier to maintain a consistent style by adding common elements that are shared across all pages.

Hazel makes this process simple by allowing you to designate selected sections as the shared website header or footer. You have flexibility to make changes to this designation at any time.

How to designate a shared header
1. Create a section as your header, move it up so it’s the top most section on your page, open “Section Properties”
2. Scroll down in “Section Properties” and check the “Assign as website header” checkbox
3. Click on “Save”
4. A blue line will appear underneath this section, this indicates the section has been successfully designated as the header. All changes made to this section will be automatically transferred to other pages.

Tips: elements most suitable for a shared header section include items such as navigation menu, site-wide news announcements and site logo.

How to designate a shared footer
1. Create a new section for your footer elements, move it so it’s the bottom most section on your page, open “Section Properties”
2. Scroll down in “Section Properties” and check the “Assign as website footer” checkbox
3. Click on “Save”
4. A blue line will appear on top of this section, this indicates the section has been successfully designated as the footer. All changes made to the section will be automatically transferred to other pages.

Tips: elements most suitable for a shared footer section include items such as copyright information and quick contact links.

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