How to add custom code

How to add custom code into the Body section
  • Add "HTML Snippet" object
  • Copy and paste custom code into HTML Snippet
  • For snippets that contain "div" tags, please make sure the code is enclosed with the appropriate number of matching closing "div" tags. If the tags are mismatched, this custom code can potentially cause layout issues for the page.
  • Please consider using the shared header or shared footer if you wish to add custom code that needs to be inherited by multiple pages.
How to add custom code into the Header section
The "Custom Header Code" field is designed to incorporate custom code that should be included in the "header" section of the page, this typically includes CSS styling and Javascript code. To add custom code into the "header" section of the page, please go to "Page Properties" > "Custom Header Code".

  • Any code added into “Custom Header Code” will be added directly into the html header tags during code generation. This field is helpful for incorporating widgets and external code snippets where code segments need to be added directly into a page header.
  • Please make sure any custom code added is appropriately formatted. Enclose Javascript code with opening and closing "script" tags. Enclose CSS code with opening and closing "style" tags.

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